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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the
Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311
Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311
December 2002    _________________Volume 3, Issue No. 12

December 11, 2002:
Our next meeting will be at the North Las Vegas Airport, Grand Canyon Room beginning at 7:30PM.
Remember, a group of members have dinner at 6:00pm before the meeting at the Foothills Restaurant, 3377 N. Rancho Road. You are Welcome to join us for Dinner.

December Meeting Program:
The program for the December meeting will be our annual Ice Cream Social. Bring a friend and/or the family for this one.

We want to say “Thank You” to Dave Brown for an excellent presentation on the Nellis Red Flag Exercise. The program was very interesting and informative.

2003 Officers & Directors:
We elected the following persons at the November meeting:
Walt Ayers, President
Mike Smith, Vice President
Stan Roeske, Treasurer
Herman Leong, Secretary
Steve Dahl, Henderson Director
Glen Smith, Boulder City Director
Paul Gerner, North Las Vegas Director

The President’s Message for December:
The HOLIDAYS are here.  This is the time of year when we renew old friendships with Holiday cards and social gatherings.  This is the time of year when plans and goals for the coming year are taking shape.

For me, this is the time of year when I can look back and see where the Chapter was, and look forward to where the Chapter is going.  It’s a good picture.  The OLD BOARD worked well together and brought about several improvements to the Chapters growth.  We added Boulder City to the fold and increased our exposure to a greater number of Southern Nevada pilots. The NEW BOARD brings experience and new ideas to keep the Chapter vibrant and interesting.  And without you, the members, nothing would happen.

It has been a great honor for me to guide Chapter 1300 thru the year and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all members for their help and encouragement during the year.  The Chapter has grown because of your efforts.

Please join me at our December 11 meeting to salute the hard work and accomplishments of this years Board of Directors and Committee Chairs and introduce next year’s team.

Jim Bonelli, President

Secretary’s Note Pad:
Jim called the formal meeting to order at 1934 hours and welcomed our 19 members plus guests Justin Kelly and Bill Deavers.  Both of our guests joined the Chapter this evening bringing our current membership to over 60.
 A motion was made and seconded to waive reading of the October minutes because they were published in the Newsletter and posted to the Chapter Web site.
 Keith Hopkey presented the treasurer’s report and it was accepted as presented.
Our current balance is $2275.91, of which $646.25 is designated for the Aviation Education Fund.  This leaves $1629.66 unallocated and available for chapter use.  Keith said he was still waiting for the bill for our October meeting dinner.

 Elections:  Jim asked that this be done after our guest speaker, Lt. Col Dave Brown, makes his presentation on Nellis’ Red Flag exercises.
 Activities:  We had a great Chapter picnic at Jean on October 19th.  Several folks flew in.  I think we had half dozen airplanes.  About 20-25 people came out.  The eats were great!  Thanks to all who brought a dish to share and to the Chapter for the meat.  Craig Fordem from Boulder City was one of the fly-ins with his Extra 300.  After lunch he flew to the aerobatic box, just to the west of the airport and freeway, and gave us a great aerobatic show.  He showed that his airplane can do anything you can dream up and then some.  Thanks Craig! Roland has posted pictures at the web site (EAA Chapter
 Ken Wyatt announced that the Clark County Aviation Association (CCAA) is having their Christmas party at the Nellis AFB Officers Club on Thursday, December 19th and asked for a show of hands by CCAA members.  He encouraged those not members to join the CCAA also.  Their next meeting is November 20th.
 Ken also pointed out he is chairman of the Membership Committee and is instigating a membership drive.  He has arranged 2 prizes for those who bring in the most members--a 1/2 hour flight with Craig Fordem in the Extra 300 and 1/2 hour flight with Bill Walthers in his Pitts. (Editor’s Note: Chapter members who bring in a new member during the membership drive (November 13, 2002 through February 12, 2003) will be entered in a drawing for one of the prizes and all new members joining during the membership drive will be entered in the same drawing.)
 Fly-outs:  Ken Wyatt proposed a flyout to Chiriaco Summit this weekend.  (Note: It happened and pictures are on the web page.)  Mike also pointed out that Chapter 163 has a flyout scheduled on December 8th to Stovepipe Wells.  We are welcome to join them.
 Young Eagles:  We had a great YE Rally at Beatty on November 2nd.  Sixty-one kids were flown by 10 pilots out of both Chapter 1300 and Chapter 163.  We even had out-of-state fly-ins to see what was going on.  There were too many airplanes for the small ramp and many had to park in the “dirt”.
 During the lunch break we had several entertaining flight activities.  Ken Wyatt coordinated and flew in a multi-ship T-34 flyby.  Mark DuLaney with his wife Pat led Glenn Smith and Dick McEwen in a multi-pass, three ship RV flyby.  Mike Smith chased them around their flyby patterns in his KR2.  The main event of the lunch break was Bill Walthers in his Pitts and Dr. Jim Abraham in his Extra 200 taking turns going through their superb aerobatic routines.  Hugh Mattern keep the ground/ramp ops running smooth while Mike monitored airborne traffic.  Jim and the “ladies” kept the kids lined up and matched pilots and certificates with them.   A GREAT BIG THANKS to all of YOU who helped out.  It was a great TEAM effort.  A SPECIAL THANKS to the pilots who brought in their planes and the other lunch time entertainers.  George Younghans and Jim Bonelli brought gas to top off all those needing fuel to get home.  The Beatty Lions club provided breakfast and lunch for all the pilots and ground workers.  (I suspect George and Rene make a substantial contribution to their Lions Club.)  And finally, a SUPER-DUPER THANKS to George and Rene Younghans for sponsoring the event and opening their hangar.  What a great way to finish the YE Rally year!!  Roy Campbell’s picture and the event article even made the front page of the Beatty News!
  Jim said next year’s tentative schedule is:
   Feb ___    VGT
   Mar ___   Pahrump
   Apr 27-28  Discover Aviation at Jean
   May ____ Tuskegee Airmen
   Jul-Aug  (Summer break)
   Sep ___ Overton
   Oct ___ Mesquite
   Nov ___ Beatty
 Projects:  Armin says his Glastar should be ready to fly by the end of the year.  He doesn’t plan to fly it until after the holidays though.  Jim expects to get his T-41 rebuild up in the air before the end of the year.
 Programs:  Tom Donaldson has volunteered to help line up meeting programs.  Hopes to have about half on home-building and half on other things.  Not firm on next month’s yet.

  Jim Bonelli handed out a printed copy of his proposed rotation schedule for next years meetings.  Every other meeting would be at VGT with the “away” meetings alternating between Henderson and Boulder City.  I’m sure the membership will “mull-it-over” and give next year’s new officers some feedback.  It was pointed out we will have to pick out a “before-meeting-dinner” place when we meet at Boulder City. Since there are several other organizational Christmas parties, Jim said our chapter would not have one, but our next meeting will include an ice cream social.
 Misc.:  Dave Roebke is making some new name tags for next year.  Yaaa Dave!  Jim Bonelli will head our Scholarship Program.  Jan Bonelli wants to host a YE helpers luncheon for the “ladies” and we approved $100 of Chapter funds to “treat”.  We also decided to request 6 desk and 12 hang-up calendars to sell next year.  Tom Donaldson gave a short update on Henderson construction activities.  The 6500’ runway should be open next March.  The new terminal is supposed to be 24,000 sq. feet and may have a restaurant.  Won’t be until 2004 though.  Hangars will be land lease with City of Henderson but individually owned.  Land has been committed by BLM for Ivanpah airport.

EVENING “PROGRAM”:  Our own Lt. Col Dave Brown, USAF Reserve, gave us an excellent briefing on the current air war “Red Flag” exercises held several times each year at Nellis AFB.   The goal is to give the young, non-combat experienced, pilots a chance to fly in an environment that is as close to combat as you can get, with the hope it will get them through their first few combat sorties unscathed.   Thanks Dave for such a professional and excellent briefing!
 Someone asked Dave to see if he could help us set up a future briefing from the “Predator” Group.  We hope it comes to be.

ELECTION AND RESULTS:  The Nominating committee’s recommended slate of officers was presented to the members before the meeting via e-mail as allowed by the By-Laws changes of last year.  Armin Tuma’s name was replaced by Paul Gerner to be the North Las Vegas Director.  Mike had 4 absentee ballots returned via e-mail and one returned via postal mail before the meeting.  He passed out written ballots to all eligible voters at the meeting, which were then marked, collected  and counted.   The recommended slate was unanimously approved by the voting members with minor exceptions.  Your new officers for the 2003 calendar year are:

 President   Walt Ayers
 Vice-President   Mike Smith
 Secretary   Herman Leong
 Treasurer   Stan Roeske
 Director, N. Las Vegas Paul Gerner
 Director, Henderson   Steve Dahl
 Director, Boulder City Glenn Smith

 50/50 Drawing:  Keith Hopkey won the drawing and donated his winnings back to the Chapter.

Meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM.

 Respectfully submitted,
 M. W. Smith
 Michael W. Smith
 Secretary, EAA Chapter 1300Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300, Inc

Welcome New Members:
Justin Kelly
Bill Deavers

Membership Drive:
The chapter opened our membership drive at the November meeting and it will run through February 12, 2003. All new members signing up during the membership drive will have a chance for one of the two (2) prizes to be given away at the February meeting. Also, any chapter member that brings in a new member during the membership drive will be entered in the same drawing.

I would like for each member with an airplane or hangar to printout the attached membership drive poster and place it in your aircraft window when parked in your tiedown area or post it on your hangar door. This will give the membership drive great exposure as pilots always look at signs posted on airplanes or hangars.

The drawing prizes were donated by:
Craig Fordem, Aerobatic Experience, Boulder City – ½ hour Aerobatic Ride (Extra 300).
Bill Walthers, North Las Vegas Airport – ½ hour Aerobatic Ride (Pitt S-2).

Members Projects:
John Andrzejewski - Berkut
Jim Bonelli - Air Force T-41
Jerry Campbell - RV-8 (“finished”)
Tom Cooper - Zenair
Keith Courson - Rebuild Stinson Voyager
Lee Dillingham – Cozy Mk IV
Roland Fraga - Glasair TD (finished)
Herman Leong - Glastar
Hugh Mattern - Lancair (finished)
Doug Mueller - RV6
Glen Smith - RV-8 (“finished”)
Armin Tuma - Glastar

If your project is not listed, please give me a call and I will add it to the list.  Also, our web site manager, Roland Fraga, wants project pictures to put on the web page.  His address

Chapter Meeting Schedule:
December 11, 2002 - North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm

Flying Activities:
The December chapter fly-out is to Seligman, AZ (P23) on December 15, 2002. Lunch will be at the Route 66 Road Kill Grill, a short walk to the restaurant. Arrived by 11:30PM. If the WX is not VFR, then the flight is cancelled.

Also, check the LV $100.00 Hamburger Flyers:
The Las Vegas $100 Hamburger Flyers has been re-activated with a much simpler format.
* No webpage pictures
* No webpage flight postings
* Only an email link to the LVHDHF Group to post a flight
It is everyone's responsibility to post Breakfast or Lunch flights whenever you are going somewhere and would like to have other flyers join you. Remember sometime you will dine alone, while other times you will dine with a room full. That is the way it works. So, please do not be bashful, post a flight soon.
The link to the Las Vegas $100 Hamburger Flyers webpage is shown below. Remember to save the site in your "Favorites", so you can go there to post your future flights.

Fly Safely and Enjoy Your Flights.

Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage. Send whatever you have to Roland Fraga, WebMaster, email address:
The chapter webpage URL is: Be sure to Bookmark this URL.

Young Eagles:
The 2003 Young Eagle Flight Rally schedule is in the works and will be published as soon as it is complete.

Classified Ads:
This space is available to all chapter members to place ads for aviation items for sale or wanted. Submit your ads to the Newsletter Editor by snail mail or email.
FOR SALE: PS Engineering PMA6000 audio panel with mounting tray.  14 to 28 volts.  New from Aircraft Spruce $795.00
Make offer:  e-mail

FOR SALE: Airspeed indicator 0-300 MPH Make: Pioneer,
used 200 hours since overhaul.  $50 e-mail

Officers & Directors 2002:
President: Jim Bonelli   Vice President: Walt Ayers
Secretary: Mike Smith  Treasurer: Keith Hopkey
Director: Dave Austin   Director: Dave Morrow
Director: Armin Tuma

We wish to “Thank” the 2002 Chapter Officers & Directors for their leadership and support this past year.

Chapter Hats:
The chapter has a supply of Official Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300 Baseball Caps (Blue) for sale to members for $20.00. Pick up yours at the November Meeting.

Other Aviation Events Coming Soon:
CCAA Holiday Party at the Nellis Air Force Base Officer’s Club, December 19, 2002, 1800-2200 hours. Make your reservation through CCAA.

Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see you at the meeting on the 11th. Bring a friend…..

Contact: Webmaster