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The official monthly Electronic Newsletter of the
Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P.O. Box 570561, Topaz Station
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89157-0561
May 2008
Volume 9, Issue 5

May 14th Meeting Location:
Our next meeting will be held in Glenn Smith's hangar at Boulder City Airport at 7:30 pm.

2008 Officers and Directors:
President:Terry Frazier
Vice President:Mike Perger
Secretary:Keith Hopkey
Treasurer:Brian Prinzavalli
Director VGT:Armin Tuma
Director BLD:Glenn Smith
Director HND:Glenn Carlson

Presidents Corner:
EAA Chapter 1300
Presidents Corner May 2008

Thanks to Bruce and Brian Banks for showing us some of their LED experimental aircraft lighting products at our April meeting at North Las Vegas. Pretty impressive lighting/strobe power and they only use about ½ amp per light! See their web site at While I’m at it, a big Thank You to Anne and Vince Capizzi for the cookies.

The May 24th Tonopah Young Eagles event is firm (wind gods permitting). It looks like this will be a memorable event for our club (remember the enthusiasm at Pahrump?). We will be part of their Jim Butler day festivities with a parade, street dance (Friday night), and all sorts of activities. Anyone want to ride on the Aviation Club Float? The event is cosponsored by their High School aviation club; a very active and impressive group.

If you are able to fly young eagles, please give Mike Smith a call 702-565-4010 or email ( We have free rooms (1 night) donated for pilots and support (though early reservation is important due to limited rooms available). It looks like we will have some support for fuel costs. It’s not too late to get on Mike’s pilot list!

Our May meeting will be at Boulder City, Glenn Smith’s hangar as usual. We’ll meet at 7:30 pm May 14th. Give me a call if you have trouble finding someone to let you through the gate (702-278-0273). Our last pre-meeting dinner (at Evan’s Old Time Grill) featured very good food, but the restaurant was just too small to accommodate our group. Linda and I will be trying out the Railroad Pass at about 6 for dinner at the café. You are certainly welcome to join us.

Lastly, don’t forget to mark your calendar for our June 11 meeting (rescheduled to Henderson) for Red Bull Racer Michael Goulian’s presentation.

See you there,

Terry Frazier

Meeting Minutes:


Minutes of Meeting
April 9, 2008
No. Las Vegas (KVGT) Airport Terminal

Meeting called to order by Chapter President, Terry Frazier at 19:40 hours.

New Members:
  • Kathleen and Peter Tremblary, RV-7
  • Dave Baker, building RV-9; Tim Bechtold and Gene Mason helping Dave build;
  • May 14, 2008 meeting at Glenn Smith’s hangar, Boulder City
  • See Terry if have any nominees for EAA Chapter Awards
  • Carson City Chapter 403 is hosting the EAA B-17 on May 5-8th
  • Vince has Executive T-hangar for rent, twin aircraft size
  • CCAA picnic and elections, April 8, 2008, 12:00PM at Max’s hangar
  • EAA still requesting letters to FAA on 51% rule. Look at their web site for more info.
  • Mike Perger recommendations: Red Bull Air racing in San Diego May 3 and 4, highly recommended. He and Jim Bonelli will be there.
  • Roger Hansen announced his April 24 Mexico trip is still on if anyone wants to join him; He also said when flying to Oshkosh, a side trip to the Dayton Air Museum is well worth the time.
  • There will be a new program at Oshkosh this year on July 28 & 29, called “EAA Women Soar” with a $50.00 tuition fee. All women aviators at Oshkosh will be asked to gather for a group picture on August 1.
  • Brian and Bruce Banks, owners of AveoUSA presented their aircraft lighting products and talked about the company and future product offerings such as their avionics packages, landing light and Digital Flight Deck planned for 2nd or 3rd quarter 2008. Product information and ordering instructions can be found on their company web site: They also indicated a willingness to advertise on 1300’s web site. They will work with Randy to see what can be proposed.
  • Terry announced names of Chapter 1300 members who had flown at least ten Young Eagles in 2007. They were: Micah Braun, Dewey Peterson, Glenn Smith, Mike Smith, Fred Wilson and Keith Hopkey. Michael Schmitt, an EAA member but not a member of 1300 was also named.
Business Meeting:
  • March 12, 2008 minutes as posted on the web site were approved.
  • Balance as of April 9, 2008, $1,765.91. Report approved as presented.
  • Dave Lerner advised he needed the information as to how much and where to send the money in support of our Air Academy candidate. Brian, Terry and David will work out the details.
Old Business:
  • EAA 2008 calendars now for sale at $6.00 each. See Brian or Terry.
New Business:
  • Young Eagles schedule.
    • May 24, 2008 @ Tonopah. They have hotels and are working on fuel. Tonopah is planning a big parade for that weekend and would like our participation in the parade and a 10AM flyby down main street during the parade.
    • September “date” TBD (possibly 9/20) @ HND. Tom Donaldson working on this.
    • October 4 @ Overton
    • November 1 @ Pahrump.
  • M/S/P to cancel the July and August 2008 chapter meetings. Many members are out of town during that time and attendance drops dramatically. This is a repeat from our March meeting.
  • M/S/P to change the June 11 meeting from VGT to HND. More space available to accommodate our program.
    • June program will be Michael Goulian from Castro Aviation and Red Bull racing pilot with videos and talks. Agreed to invite Chapter 163 and guests. Suggested donation of $5.00 for non 163 or 1300 members. M/S/P
    • M/S/P for Terry and Dave Lerner to work on obtaining a plaque to present to Michael for his presentation.
  • M/S/P to change the Chapter’s fall picnic from Jean to Roger Hansen’s hangar, October 18. Will be an afternoon/evening event.
  • Brian and Keith have worked to clean up our Yahoo member names. Keith asked that people let Terry or him know if they aren’t receiving Chapter e-mails and when they change their e-mail address.
  • Tom Donaldson gave an update on the HND fire support situation. The airport has 150# fire fighting bottles around the airport. All personnel are trained in their use. Only used once. HND is served by the Coronado Fire Station which has an average 6 minute arrival time to the airport. HND has land available for a fire station when operations determine the need.
No other new business discussions from the floor.

Chapter Committee Reports:
  • Air Academy: Brad Kasperek will be attending 2008.
  • Safety/accidents: No discussion
  • Builders Support: No discussion
  • Young Eagles: Mike Smith working on securing planes and pilots for Tonopah. Hope to have the fuel discount/reimbursement decision soon.
  • Social: Hangar visits continue to take place at HND Saturday mornings. There is a Henderson Hangar Group breakfast on Saturdays at 8:00 AM at the Kopper Keg.
Future Programs:
  • Terry needs input from all members for program content
50/50 drawing won Tom Buck

Meeting adjourned at 2055 hours with a reminder of our next meeting at Boulder City, Glenn Smith’s hangar, May 14, 2008 at 19:30 hours.

Submitted by Keith Hopkey, Secretary

Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information, or pictures of interest for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage. Send whatever you have to Randy Holland, webmaster ( The NEW chapter webpage URL is Be sure to update any bookmarks.

Refreshments are provided each month by volunteers. We very much appreciate the generosity of those who participate.

We will see you at the meeting on May 14th.

Remember to wear your name badge, and be sure to bring a friend!

Contact: Webmaster