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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311

Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311


May 2003 Volume 5, Issue No.5

May 14, 2003:

Our next meeting will be at the Henderson Executive Airport, Terminal Building at 7:30PM.

Reminder: A group of chapter members meet at the Tailspin Bar & Grill at 6:00PM for dinner. All chapter members are invited.

May Meeting Program:

The meeting program will be a presentation on aircraft lubricates by Ed Barnes a representative of Exxon/Mobile. 

We want to say “Thank You” to our Pilot Assistance Course Committee for an excellent update on the course development and a “Special Thanks” to the ladies for their much needed input. 

The President’s Message for February:
At the April meeting in Ken’s hanger we had a great turn out!Ken and Phyllis were great hosts. Thanks again. The hanger meetings, with airplanes, and the ladies have an ambiance 

to them that you just can’t getanywhere else. 

We had a good discussion with the ladies regarding the Pilot Assist course. We got some good ideas, the most important of which was

a firm adherence to the KISS principle.

Program Chairman, Tom Donaldson has arranged for a gentleman from Exxon/Mobile to give us a program on oil at the meeting on the 14th.It sounds very interesting. I am looking forward 

to it.In June, Stan Roeske will give us a timely program on the effects of dehydration and flying.This is a very important safety issue in Southern Nevada in the summer.

We can look forward to a report on Discover Aviation.Unfortunately, I was unable to attend but got a good report from Jim Bonelli.

I look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Blue Skies and Tailwinds, 


Secretary’s Note Pad:
Meeting Minutes EAA Chapter 1300
April 2003 Minutes

Following an excellent dinner hosted at Ken Wyatt’s hangar, the Chapter 1300 meeting was called to order by President Walt Ayers at 1940 PDT on April 9th, 2003. He then introduced the
following eight guests: Ivan McLay, Jennine White (daughter of Jim Bonelli), Lonnie Roy, Drew Dickenson (soon to be our newest member), Patricia Leong, Richard Kegelmeyer, Ken Mintz
(Chapter 163 Technical Advisor) and Delber Sparks. 

It was moved and seconded to suspend reading of the March minutes since they are published in the Wing Tips newsletter. Treasurer Stan Roeske gave the Treasurer’s report. Total funds
balance on Feb. 28, 2003 was $2,956.99 plus income for March of $116.57 resulted in a new balance of $3,073.56. There were no expenses in the month of March. Subtracting the funds
($596.25 ) designated for the Aviation Education Fund we have Total Funds Balance for Chapter use of $2,477.31

Ken Wyatt reported that an article he wrote regarding our successful membership drive will be published in the June issue of "Sport Aviation" in the Chapters section of the magazine.
Dave Roebke is also submitting an article on his "Centennial of Flight" program for publication in "Sport Aviation". As a result of this drive our membership now totals over 100 members. Dave
Robeke gave an update on his Centennial of Flight programs being conducted one Saturday per month at 10 different libraries in the Las Vegas valley. Jim Bonelli reported that this month’s
Young Eagles will be at Jean Airport on April 26th - 27th. Delber Sparks from the World of Wings talked about 5 competition categories for restored antique aircraft at the annual Reno Air
Races. He encouraged Chapter members to enter the competition and left application forms with Stan Roeske.

The program for the evening was the "Pilot Assist" program being developed by Jim Cullen. However, since he was absent Walt Ayers gave a brief review of the proposed program solicited
suggestions and comments from the six or seven wives present at the meeting. This program will commence in the Fall.

Jim Bonelli reported that Chapter 1300 has applied for sponsorship of the Aluminum Overcast for Year 2004. 

The meeting was adjourned at 2130 PDT.

Respectfully submitted,

Herman Leong

EAA Chapter 1300

Welcome New Members: 

Ed Barnes – Las Vegas

Drew Dickinson – Las Vegas

Lonnie Roy – Henderson

Larry McIntyre – Henderson

Welcome aboard and we hope you will take an active part in the chapter.

Las Vegas County Library Presentations: 

The Chapter’s next monthly presentation on the “First 100 Years of Powered Flight” will be at the following library:

Sunrise Library, May 10, 2003 – 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., set-up 10:00 a.m.

Sahara West Library, June 14, 2003 – 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., set-up 10:00 a.m.

West Charleston Library, July 12, 2003 - 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., set-up 10:00 a.m.

Enterprise Library, Tentatively August 16, 2003 - 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., set-up 10:00 a.m.

September, October and November libraries to be determined.

In order to make this project a success, he will need the assistance of many other chapter members. If you can volunteer to help David with some phase of these monthly presentations, then, please contact 

David by email or 

Meeting Schedule - 2003:
May 14, 2003 Henderson Executive – Terminal Building at 7:30 p

June 11, 2003 North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm

July 9, 2003Boulder City – Location TBA at 7:30 pm

August 13, 2003 North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm

September 10, 2003Henderson Executive – Terminal Building at 7:30 p

October 8, 2003 North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm

November 12, 2003 Boulder City – Location TBA at 7:30 pm

December 10, 2003 North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm

Flying Activities:

The May chapter fly-out is to Rosamond, CA (L00) on May 18, 2003. Lunch will be at the Cantina, on the airport. Arrived by 11:30PM PST. If the WX is not VFR, then the flight is cancelled.

Fly Safely and Enjoy Your Flights.

Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage. Send whatever you have to Roland Fraga, WebMaster,
email address:

The chapter webpage URL is: http://www.EAAChapter1300.orgBe sure to Bookmark this URL.

Young Eagles:

The 2003 Young Eagle Flight Rally Schedule:

Saturday, September,__Overton(99s & Mardell Haskins sponsored)

Saturday, October, __(Open)

Saturday, November 1stBeatty

Refreshment Calendar:

If you would like to volunteer to bring the meeting refreshment to one of our monthly meetings, please email or call Ken Wyatt at 349-7795 to sign up.

May 14, 2003 Jim & Jan Bonelli

June 11, 2003 Mike Smith

July 9, 2003Tom Donaldson

September 10, 2003Stan & Carol Roeske

October 8, 2003 

November 12, 2003 

December 10, 2003 

Chapter Hats:

The chapter has a supply of Official Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300 Baseball Caps (Blue) for sale to members for $20.00. You can purchase yours at the next meeting.

Other Aviation Events Coming Up:
EAA Chapter 1300 Presentation on the Centennial of Flight at the Sunrise Library, May 10, 2003 – 11:00to 4:00 p.m., set-up 10:00 a.m.

The May chapter fly-out is to Rosamond, CA (L00) on May 18, 2003. Lunch will be at the Cantina, on the airport. Arrived by 11:30PM MST. If the WX is not VFR, then the flight is cancelled.

AOPA Pilot Town Hall – May 15, 2003 – Location to be announced – 7:00PM

Kingman EAA Chapter 765 – 3rd Annual Spring Fly-in – May 17, 2003 – 7:30AM – 2:00PM – Pancake Breakfast, Aviation Displays and Young Eagle Flights.

CCAA is currently recruiting members to strengthen the voice of General Aviation in Southern Nevada. If you are not a member, please check out their website for additional information.

Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see you at the meeting on the 14th. Bring a friend…..

Contact: Webmaster