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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 570617

Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311,



Volume 6, issue No, 1




January 2005 Meeting Location

Our next Chapter meeting will be held at Henderson Executive Airport, Terminal Building

on January 12 at  7:30PM.  The group dinner before the meeting is at 6:00 p.m.

Seven Hills Bar and Grill, 3051 Saint Rose Parkway, Henderson.


January  Meeting Program:


2005 Officers and Directors:
President:                              David Lerner
Vice President:                     Paul Gerner
Secretary:                              Herman Leong

Ass’t Secretary:                  Bill Lawbaugh
Treasurer:                              Ken Wyatt
Director VGT:                       Armin Tuma
Director BLD:                       Glenn Smith  
Director HND:                       Glenn Carlson

President’s Corner:


The New Year finds our chapter in great shape due to the contributions of all of you in 2004.


Our revised and updated web site is now well established as a real means of communication

for all of the chapter’s activities from fly outs to members’ projects.  Fly out schedules are now

available on a calendar with direct  links to the destination airport ‘s significant details and most

importantly where we will eat.


We  can expect  additional improvements as the year progresses for each of us to communicate with each other.

Jim Bonelli, Web Master and our own version of Spiderman, encourages more usage of the

web site and feed back for further improvement of topics to be included.

Keep him busy with project information,  photos and anything of general aviation interest.


You can expect, as the year moves on, to see major improvement in our meeting programs, speakers and subjects. 

The newly drafted Social Director, Dean Herrington, has already reached out to various potential speakers

with positive results, which will be announced in the near future.

Tom Donaldson will also continue to schedule and plan those programs related to our local airport issues.

For starters we have already been in contact with the editor of a major aviation magazine as well as a former

mission commander Astronaut to speak to the chapter. Don’t be shy to send me any suggestions for future meeting topics.


As a reminder it is not to early for each of us to start looking for possible candidates for the chapter to send to the

EAA Air Academy this summer.


On a personal note, I wish each and every chapter member a happy and healthy New Year and look forward

to your participation and continued support of this year’s chapter activities.


Regards and safe flying,


David Lerner, 2005 President


Secretary’s Note Pad:
EAA Chapter 1300

Dec 8, 2004 Minutes

President Mike Smith convened the last meeting of the year at 1930 Hrs at the VGT terminal meeting room.

Nineteen members and 1 guest were present. Our guest was Peter Agnos. After the introduction of the guest,

Mike Smith presented awards to Jim Bonelli for work as Web Editor and Young Eagles co-ordinator,

Herman Leong for being Secretary, Dave Lerner for being Treasurer, JP Gerner for being Vice President.

Richard Kegelman will receive his award at the Jan 05 meeting. Jim Bonelli then presented a plaque to

Matt Cooper for his 1st public acrobatic performance in his Xtra at Discovery Aviation 2004.


Treasurer's report by Dave Lerner: Approximately $3,300 in the bank account. Name tags and calendars are in.

Reading of the Minutes: A motion was made to forego reading of the previous month's minutes since they are

published on the Chapter web site. The motion was seconded and passed.


Mike Smith discussed the possible Phase I test flying ban at VGT. Jim Bonelli reported that CCAA

has sent a letter to the FSDO regarding this problem.

The Fly Out schedule for next year is posted on our Web site. Next Young Eagles is on Feb. 5, 2005 at VGT.

The 50/50 drawing was won by Charlie Braun. The meeting was adjourned at 2030 hrs and was followed by an

ice cream social hosted by Jan & Jim Bonelli.


Respectfully submitted,


Herman Leong ,Secretary ,Chapter 1300



Welcome New Members:

We have one new Member to report. Peter Liscio,

 good to have you on board.


Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of

interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage.

Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, Web Master, email address:

The chapter webpage URL is: Be sure to Bookmark this URL.

Young Eagles:


Classified Ads:

Check out the Classified on the Web-page.


Refreshment Calendar:

Richard Kegelmyer will be our refreshment host for the January  Meeting.

Thanks go out to Jan and Jim Bonelli for their hospitality at the December Meeting.



 Remember to wear your name badge to the meeting on January 12 and all meetings in the future.


 Membership Renewal:

Be sure to renew your membership for 2005.  If you have not renewed, this will be your last newsletter. 

If you have any questions regarding your renewal, please send me an e-mail (

and I will e-mail your membership status. Have a great year in 2005….Thanks, Ken Wyatt


Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see

 you at the meeting on the 12th. Bring a friend….. 


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