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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the Southern Nevada EAA
Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311
Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311
March 2003 Volume 4, Issue No.3

March 12, 2003:
Our next meeting will be at Glenn Smith's Hangar TW1-16, Boulder City
Airport, beginning at 7:30PM.
Remember, a group of members will have dinner at 6:00pm before the
meeting at the 50's Cafe - Happy Days Diner, 512 Nevada Hwy, Boulder
City.  (The Happy Days Diner is about a mile east of the stop light
at Nevada HWY & Buchanan Blvd).  Everyone is "Welcome' to join us for

March Meeting Program:
The meeting program will be a presentation by Col. Bill Percival,
Wing Commander at Nellis on activities at Nellis Range and a variety
of other subjects of interest.

We want to say "Thank You" to our own Rick Schramek for an excellent
presentation his Reno Racer
and the "Run for the Gold". Also, I wish to "Thank" Rick for donating
an ride in his Speed Record
Holder Legacy as a 3rd drawing prize for the membership drive drawing.

2003 Officers & Directors:
Walt Ayers, President
Mike Smith, Vice President
Stan Roeske, Treasurer
Herman Leong, Secretary
Steve Dahl, Henderson Director
Glenn Smith, Boulder City Director
Paul Gerner, North Las Vegas Director
The President's Message for March:
No written message this month.  Seems Walt has to work extra hard so
he can overhaul his Mooney engine.  :o)

Secretary's Note Pad:

Meeting Minutes

Feb. 12, 2003

Our Chapter President Walt Ayers called the meeting to order at 7:35
PM.  There were 18 members and 7 guests present.  The guests were Jim
Crossloy, Scott Brackett and Julia Downie from Kingman, AZ, Tom Buck,
David Smith, Dale Stewart, and Ed Wilson.

A motion was made and seconded to accept the January meeting minutes
as posted on the website.  Motion was approved.  The Treasurer's
report was presented by Stan Roeske.  Total income for Jan 2003 was
$809.59 with expenses of $604.02 resulting in a total funds balance
ending 1/31/03 of $2,692.42.  $527.25 of this has been designated for
the Aviation Education Fund so this leaves a Total Uncommitted Funds
for Chapter use of $2,165.17.  Motion to approve the Treasurer's
report was made, seconded and approved.


Jim Cullen gave an update on the Pilot Assist Program.  The course
will consist of 3 lectures followed by cockpit orientation and
training in participant's own aircraft using a checklist specific to
the aircraft.  A behavior change checklist for the spouse to
recognized changes in the pilot that may affect his flying
capabilities is also being considered.  The program is still under
development and Jim welcomes any ideas from members and their spouses.

Ken Wyatt reported that the 3-month membership drive resulted in a
gain of 48 new members.  Nearly 10% success rate on the 499-piece
flyer mail out. The drawings for the prizes for the membership drive
were held and the winners were Maria Lawbaugh, Terry Frasier, and
Louie Yanez.

David Roebke talked about the Centennial Flight program that will be
conducted at various libraries in the Las Vegas valley.   He is
looking for volunteers to man the booths or to be guest speakers.
See Wing Tips Special issue 2/12/03 for detailed information on this

Mike Smith reported that 76 Young Eagle flights were flown last
month.  Next event is Mar. 15th with Tuskeegee Airmen

Tom Donaldson (Safety report) urged caution using Henderson Executive
airport since construction is ongoing.  Runway 17R-35L scheduled to
open Mar 17th.  The next runway is scheduled for completion in June
or July.  The contractor is ahead by several months.

Herman Leong (Builder tips report) mentioned a way to space 6 holes
evenly around any circle by using the radius to mark off intervals
around that circle. Armin Tuma, former President of Chapter 1300 gave
a report on his first flight of his Glastar, Jan 31, 2003, after
nearly 5 years of construction time.

There was no new business so the 50/50 drawing was held and won by
Carole Roeske who graciously donated it to the Chapter.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:36 PM.

Scott Brackett and Julia Downie, our guests from Kingman, AZ welcomed
our Chapter to join them in their 3rd annual Spring Fly-In being held
on Saturday, May 17, 2003 from 7:30 AM to 2 PM at the Kingman Airport

Our Guest speaker was Rick Schrameck who has an extensive background
in air racing from giant scale racing to racing his Legacy in the
Reno Air Races.  Rick holds the world speed record in the C13C class
with a speed of 346 MPH.  Thanks Rick for a very interesting talk on
your experiences in building and racing your airplanes.

Respectfully Submitted

Herman Leong
Chapter 1300 Secretary

Welcome New Members:
Charity Fechter & Craig Shirley
Terry & Linda Frazier
Roy Campbell

Membership Drive:
The membership drive has been a great success as we have enrolled 48
new members since November 13, 2002.
The drawing prizes were donated by:
Craig Fordem, Aerobatic Experience, Boulder City - ½ hour Aerobatic
Ride (Extra 300) and
Rick Schramek - ½ hour ride in his Speed Record Holding Legacy.
The prizes were won by: Maria Lawbaugh (Bill Lawbaugh will take the
aerobatic ride with Craig Fordem for Maria)
                Terry Frazier (aerobatic ride with Craig Fordem)
  Louie Yanez (ride in the Legacy)

Las Vegas County Library Presentations:
The Chapter voted to sponsor a monthly presentation on the "First 100
Years of Powered Flight" at various Clark County Libraries during the
year. David Roebke has volunteered to be the coordinator
for this project. David has put together the outline of the project

Honoring the Centennial of Flight
Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 1300

In association with the Las Vegas-Clark County Library
System, Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300 of the Experimental Aircraft
Association (EAA), a 501(c) (3) Tax Exempt Non-Profit Association
based in Las Vegas, Nevada, is hosting a series of presentations and
displays commemorating 100 year (Centennial of Flight) of powered
flight in the United States.  EAA Chapter 1300 and its guests will
present a series of personal appearances by active pilots, veterans,
and aviation enthusiasts at each participating library throughout the

One day each month, beginning in March 2003, is designated at
each participating library for the Centennial of Flight aviation
presentations.  A static display of miniature aircraft significant to
aviation events is planned for each designated day.

EAA Chapter 1300 pilots and guests will share personal
experiences from their aviation backgrounds during 45-60 minutes
blocks throughout the planned time period.  Subjects will include,
but are not limited to, the EAA Young Eagles program, becoming a
pilot, flying high performance aircraft, building an aircraft, funny
things that happen to pilots, the Centennial of Flight, what its like
to fly private aircraft, unique aviation history and other related

The presentation at each library will include brochures with
information on the guest speakers and the groups they represent as
well as the display and a reading list of aviation related books and
materials available through the library.

EAA Chapter 1300 may also wish to offer items to the public
for purchase such as hats, pins and buttons, shirts, calendars, and
other items within the guidelines the library district offers for
this type of activity.

EAA Chapter 1300 is requesting access to resident sound
systems, tables, chairs, audio/visual equipment and available
kitchens at each participating library.  The library district may
provide public notices for each presentation day through the Chamber
of Commerce, local television, internet website, and quarterly
calendar.  EAA Chapter 1300 can provide notice through flyer
distribution, radio public service announcements, and other media.

Libraries that have already committed a date and times are as follows:

Green Valley Library, March 8, 2003 - 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m., set-up
11:00 a.m.
Whitney Library, April 12, 2003 - 11:00 am to 4:00 p.m., set-up 10:00
Sunrise Library, May 10, 2003 - 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., set-up 10:00
Sahara West Library, June 14, 2003 - 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., set-up
10:00 a.m.
West Charleston Library, July 12, 2003 - 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., set-
up 10:00 a.m.
Enterprise Library, Tentatively August 16, 2003 - 11:00 a.m. to 4:00
p.m., set-up 10:00 a.m.
September, October and November libraries to be determined.


David D. Roebke
EAA Chapter 1300
Centennial of Flight Coordinator

In order to make this project a success, David will need the
assistance of many other chapter members.
If you can volunteer to help David with some phase of these monthly
presentations, then, please contact
David by email

Members Homebuilts & Restoration Projects:
Jack Anderson - RV-6A ("Finished")
John Andrzejewski - Berkut
Jim Bonelli - Air Force T-41("Finished")
Dick McEwen - RV-8 ("Finished")
Michael Cook - Quicksilver ("Finished") & Ridgerunner
Tom Cooper - Zenair
Keith Courson - Stinson Voyager
Jim Cullen - Zenith Zodiac CH601 XL
Lee Dillingham - Cozy Mk IV
Mark & Pat Dulaney - RV-6A ("Finished")
David Dyer - Starduster ("Finished")
Ron Engelke - Zenith Zodia CH601 ("Finished")
Roland Fraga - Glasair TD ("Finished")
John Gibson - T-28
Fred Harvey - Challenger II  ("Finished")
Michael Hope - RV-8
Glenn Kruggel - RV-4 ("Finished")
William Lawbaugh - Steen Skybolt ("Finished")
Herman Leong - Glastar
Ron Marshall - Ridge Runner/Murphy Elite
Travis Marshall - Ridge Runner ("Finished") & Navion
Hugh Mattern - Lancair ("Finished")
David Moore - RV-7
Doug Mueller - RV6
Robert Riegel - Adventure Model 333
Norman Rowland - Zenith STOL CH701
Patrick Schnieder - DR-107
Rick Schramek - Legacy ("Finished")
David Skrock - Lancair 360 MK II
Glen Smith - RV-8 ("Finished")
Armin Tuma - Glastar ("First Flight January 30, 2003")
Congratulations Armin!

If your project is not listed, please give me a call or email and I
will add it to the list.  Also, our web site master, Roland Fraga,
wants project pictures to put on the web page.

Chapter Meeting Schedule - 2003:
March 12, 2003 Boulder City - Glenn Smith's Hangar (Hangar TW1-16)
at 7:30 pm
April 9, 2003 North Las Vegas - Dinner Meeting - Ken Wyatt's Hgr #4
Skid Row - 6:00 pm
May 14, 2003 Henderson Executive - Terminal Building at 7:30 p
June 11, 2003 North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm
July 9, 2003 Boulder City - Location TBA at 7:30 pm
August 13, 2003 North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm
September 10, 2003  Henderson Executive - Terminal Building at 7:30 p
October 8, 2003 North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm
November 12, 2003 Boulder City - Location TBA at 7:30 pm
December 10, 2003 North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm

Flying Activities:
The March chapter fly-out is to Sedona, AZ (SEZ) on March 16, 2003.
Lunch will be at the Café on the airport.
Arrive by 11:30PM MST. If the WX is not VFR, then the flight is

Also, check the LV $100.00 Hamburger Flyers:
The Las Vegas $100 Hamburger Flyers has been re-activated with a much
simpler format.
· No webpage pictures
· No webpage flight postings
* Only an email link to the LVHDHF Group to post a flight
It is everyone's responsibility to post Breakfast or Lunch flights
whenever you are going somewhere and would like to have other flyers
join you. Remember sometime you will dine alone, while other
times you will dine with a room full. That is the way it works. So,
please do not be bashful, post a flight soon.

The link to the Las Vegas $100 Hamburger Flyers webpage is shown
below. Remember to save the site in your
 "Favorites" so you can go there to post your future flights.

Fly Safely and Enjoy Your Flights.

Webpage Material:
All are encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of
interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter's
Webpage. Send whatever you have to Roland Fraga, Web Master, e-mail
The chapter webpage URL is: Be sure to
Bookmark this URL.

Young Eagles:
The 2003 Young Eagle Flight Rally Schedule:
Saturday, March 15th North Las Vegas (Tuskegee Airman
Sat. & Sun. Apr 26-27 Jean (Discover Aviation)
Saturday, May___ (Open)
Saturday, September,__ Overton  (99s & Mardell Haskins
Saturday, October, __ (Open)
Saturday, November 1st          Beatty

Refreshment Calendar:
If you would like to volunteer to bring the meeting refreshment to
one of our monthly meetings,
 please email or call Ken Wyatt at 349-7795 to
sign up.

March 12, 2003         Glenn Smith
April 9, 2003 Dinner Meeting
May 14, 2003 Jim & Jan Bonelli
June 11, 2003 Mike Smith
July 9, 2003 Tom Donaldson
September 10, 2003 Stan & Carol Roeske
October 8, 2003
November 12, 2003
December 10, 2003

Classified Ads:
This space is available to all chapter members to place ads for
aviation items for sale or wanted. Submit your ads
 to the Newsletter Editor by snail mail or email.
FOR SALE: PS Engineering PMA6000 audio panel with mounting tray
(Used) 14 to 28 volts. New Cost
 from Aircraft Spruce is $795.00 Make offer:  e-mail:

FOR SALE: Airspeed indicator 0-300 MPH Make: Pioneer,
used 200 hours since overhaul.  $50 e-mail:

Chapter Hats:
The chapter has a supply of Official Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
Baseball Caps (Blue) for sale to members
for $20.00. You can purchase yours at the next meeting.

Other Aviation Events Coming Up:
EAA Young Eagle Flight Rally - Saturday, March 15th 8:00AM - North
Las Vegas (Tuskegee Airman sponsored)

EAA Chapter 1300 Presentation on the Centennial of Flight at the
Green Valley Library, March 8, 2003 - 12:00 noon
to 4:00 p.m., set-up 11:00 a.m.

The March chapter fly-out is to Sedona, AZ (SEZ) on March 16, 2003.
Lunch will be at the Café on the airport. Arrive
by 11:30PM MST. If the WX is not VFR, then the flight is cancelled.

FAA Safety Seminar - March 18, 2003 North Las Vegas Airport- Grand
Canyon Room - 7:00PM - Topic: Maintaining
Aircraft Control

Clark County Aviation Association (CCAA) Annual Meeting and Family
Picnic on April 19th. Time: 4:00-8:00 pm,
Skid Row Hangar # 4, North Las Vegas Airport.

CCAA is currently recruiting members to strengthen the voice of
General Aviation in Southern Nevada. If you are not
a member please check out their website for additional information.

Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see you at the meeting
on the 12th.
Bring a friend...

Contact: Webmaster